Beer and Milk. Both of them are tasty, but it depends, if you are a drinker like Mbah Gendeng, of course will say that beer is more tasty than milk. Mbah Gendeng can drink so many glasses beer in a day since it's her favorite drinking.
Even according to PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), beer is indeed better than milk for health, as are both wine and distilled spirits.
Not only do beer wine and spirits all have fewer calories and less sodium than milk, but none has any fat or cholesterol, with which milk is loaded. And while milk is associated with weight gain, alcohol beverages are not.
Anyway, it's their opinion. They have some reason behind. For me is different. Milk is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, particularly calcium. It has long been recognised for its important role in bone health.
As I know, milk is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, particularly calcium. It has long been recognised for its important role in bone health.
But, if you are a beer and milk lover, there is something new that you can try. There is a low-malt beer with milk (combination Beer + Milk) or as known as "Bilk" the taste is just like bandrek coffee (Kopi Bandrek).
It reportedly has a fruity flavor. A combination of "milk" and "beer" - is about 30 percent milk.
It also contains hops, and the production process does not differ much from that of regular beer. Do you want to try it? I am not sure whether it's available in our country, but we can find a lot in Japan and others country.

Not only do beer wine and spirits all have fewer calories and less sodium than milk, but none has any fat or cholesterol, with which milk is loaded. And while milk is associated with weight gain, alcohol beverages are not.
Anyway, it's their opinion. They have some reason behind. For me is different. Milk is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, particularly calcium. It has long been recognised for its important role in bone health.
But, if you are a beer and milk lover, there is something new that you can try. There is a low-malt beer with milk (combination Beer + Milk) or as known as "Bilk" the taste is just like bandrek coffee (Kopi Bandrek).
It reportedly has a fruity flavor. A combination of "milk" and "beer" - is about 30 percent milk.
It also contains hops, and the production process does not differ much from that of regular beer. Do you want to try it? I am not sure whether it's available in our country, but we can find a lot in Japan and others country.
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tuh nenek gaul banget yaaa
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