SEO Contest of Kampanye Damai Pemilu that performed by master Pogung had ended on the date of 1st May 2009. Caused by various of constraints, I only can occupy on position four. It doesn't matter, assume that this contest (Kontes SEO) just as practice and exercise SEO as I'am a newbie who want to learn SEO for beginners.
As the contest organizer, master Pogung should prepared the presents that will be given before the contest ended. Now SEO Contest had ended since a month ago. But I just received confirmed about present by email of some last two week. And up to now, the present that they promised have not reach yet.
The important thing actually is not its present, but its promise, is not its value (don't be like me who like break a promise to some girl friends !). As far as I know, currently master Pogung currently have good reputation. Hopefully delay forwarding of this present haves quite sensible reason and do not destroy master Pogung reputation. Master Pogung, I am waiting for the present !
The important thing actually is not its present, but its promise, is not its value (don't be like me who like break a promise to some girl friends !). As far as I know, currently master Pogung currently have good reputation. Hopefully delay forwarding of this present haves quite sensible reason and do not destroy master Pogung reputation. Master Pogung, I am waiting for the present !
12 Komentar:
Shame! we need to continue to ask, but we also sometimes get tired... huh ungodly Master Pogung...!!
hmm. looks like many people gonna be upset about this...
Weleh ki piye to,Dab Pogung??
Jal piye ki karepmu,..lha wes meh sewulan pengumuman kok duurung di wenehno hadiah e ki Piye??
Mana Janji mu Dab Pogung??
Wes, Dhang di wenehno Hadiahe,....Ngisin isin i ah,..mosok wes kesel kesel melu kontes kampanye dodol, juara papat Hadiah ga teko teko...
Jal,..Kepiye iki??
Jape Methe,Dab Pogung.....
walah dereng dipun paringi to hadiahe?
tak kiro nek pun di paringke ket wingi...
welehhh pus setunggal wulan je?
nopo lali master pogung? nopo malah duite pun telas.. wah gek nggo dipun paringke to.. mangkeh ndak boten sae citrane master hehehe
mugo2 ndang cepet dikirimke hadiahe kang
ya mau gimana lagi bang padahal hadiah itu belum lagi kita bagi dua.. =(( tapi ga apa2 ko bang kalau masalah hadiahnya belum juga datang ga apa2 yang penting kita tahu dan mengerti udah cukup.... biar lah kerja keras selama ikuti kontes kita ambil aja untungnya... I LOVE BANG...saya ga nuntut hadiah ke abang ko..mau di kasih juga ga apa2...atau hadiah itu kalau di kirim nanti kasih aja RAIHAN bang :X
Wkwkwk.. semoga yang "harus" bertanggung jawab segera kasih penjelasan, dan kasih hadiah kepada yang ber-hak ;))
wah blm dikasih ya...turut prihatin dah
tapi bukannya yang rank 1-3 udah dikasih ya h...he...
hanya bisa nyundul bos gak bisa bantu laen
Hemmm.... masak kang master berbuat segitunya sih???? duh jadi kawatir ikutan kontes SEO nih???
numpang komen mas... kagag ngerti ingris.. :D
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