Tara Pradiptha Lakshmi

Tara Pradiptha Lakshmi (19 years old), who claimed to be a sexual abuse victim by a spiritual teacher, Anand Krishna, is now under police check. She gave some accessories given by Anand Krishna as the evidence.

"We include the evidences, gifts from Anand Krishna which consist of 5 bracelets and a Krishna
statue," said Tara's attorney, Fredi Damanik in Mapolda Metro Jaya, Jalan Sudirman, Thursday

According to Fredi, the evidence describes a very close relationship between Tara and Anand. "It only describes that there is a special relationship among these two people" he said.

Some of the gift, he added, given on the last Valentine's Day. "There were also gifts which were
given in another special days" he continued.

Tara claimed that she occasionally received intimate emails from her spiritual teacher, Anand Krishna. And she also admitted that she replied the emails with tenderness.

"Yes indeed I have been respond to Anand with intimate," says Tara told to reporters in Mapolda Metro Jaya, Jakarta, Thursday (18/2/2010).

The intimate emails were responded because she was claimed to be under hypnotized. "Because at that time, I feel so much in love with Anand and I was unconscious" she said.

Furthermore Fredi said, she was being asked with 20 investigative questions in the Unit of Women and Children Services (PPA) Polda Metro. The investigation focused on events relating to her sexual harassment.

"The bottom line (examination) was the events that we reported earlier. How could the sexual
harassment happened to Tara" he said.

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