Allegedly, Mario Teguh has deemed to offend his followers. He wrote some appalling and reaping twits. One of his twits which invited pros and cons is:
Women who are party goers, clubbing lover, staying up until morning, a snob ChitChat, smoker and sometimes drunk, can not be planned to be a wife.
This statement invited tons of pros & cons comments. Mario tried to give clarification and brief explanation in order to avoid misunderstanding. Some followers were agreed and understand but, still, there were misinterpretations upon this, though.
"In accordance to our board meeting with this, I have to say that Mario Teguh's twitter account will be terminated. We are sorry if there has been a shortage," stated Mario Teguh in his last twit when monitored by INILAH.COM. On Sunday, 21 Feb 2010, Mario Teguh's twitter account officially deleted.
Hamdi Muluk, a psychologist of University of Indonesia considered the controversy statement in Mario Teguh's Twitter account as the correct moral step.
"I personally as a man might agree with that, I do not like seeing women clubbing till the morning, and drunk," he explained to INILAH.COM, Monday (22 / 2).
He thinks women should not be feel cornered with Mario's twit. Hamdi added, if we read the sentence written in Mario's twitter status, in fact it is difficult to understand a mother will become a right model if her attitude was similar to what Mario has written.
But he appealed that Mario should not only addressed his statement to women, but intended also to all gender. "But a man (Mario) has a right to speak up, which moral basic he believed was right," said Hamdi.
Mario called, the statement was merely advice for children's daughter to be careful.
"The advice is an input for daughters to be more careful, because their male colleagues can not see the suitability for them to be a companion and mother of the children of the man they love," explained Mario.
4 Komentar:
wah nice my information firm mario fan,,, I wait for the next information tentangmario firm,,
kalo mau cd rekaman mp3 mario teguh kunjungi blog ini :
Mat siang pak Mario,langsung saja,seandainya kita sementara ada masalah dengan atasan kita sedang sumber masalahnya bukan kita yang melakukan tapi orang lain.tetapi atasan kita marahnya hanya pada saya.Trima kasih pak Mario.
gajih buta dari pada korupsi
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