Untuk beberapa orang dari kita, Plurk adalah seperti teman wanita dengan pemeliharaan yang tinggi dan sangat memerlukan perhatian di dunia.
Kamu dimana ? Ngapaen ? Dengan siapa ? ... Daerah paling privacy kita hampir2 direnggut oleh Plurk.
Baiklah, paling tidak mereka para Plurker sangat perhatian terhadap skor karma. Saya yakin anda telah menunggu waktu / hari dimana Karma anda , takdir atau nasib anda terkirim ke Plurk anda.
Anda akan kadang2 melihat bahwa orang menjadi jengkel dan frustasi karena skor karma mereka turun. ikon kayak genee yang muncul :
Saya tidak begitu terbiasa dengan teknik penghitungan naik turunnya karma, tetapi saya akan memberi anda beberapa tip tentang bagaimana menjaga skor karma anda berdasarkan Pengalaman Pribadi. Seperti yang anda bisa lihat pada tabel di bawah ini, skor karma menunjukkan peningkatan.
Tentu saja, saya anggap bahwa anda telah membaca Petunjuk Penggunaan secara aman di Plurk. Jika belum, maka anda harus membacanya.
Jadi, di bawah ini adalah tip-tip untuk menjaga dan meningkatkan skor karma serta mencegah rasa penyesalan ketika melihat Plurk (teman wanita) anda "memukul" anda dengan skor yang menurun.
- Be mindful of the Plurk Intervals. The Plurk Karma score updates six times in a 24-hour day. These updates are scheduled in 4-hour intervals: 12:00 AM, 4:00AM, 8:00AM, 12:00PM, 4:00PM, 8:00PM (US Pacific Time, US Eastern Time, and Manila Time). These update schedules may change though when the US switches back to Standard time in November (the scheduled updates above are on DST).
- Plurk at least once per interval. You should post at least one Plurk per interval. This will assure you that your Karma will not decrease. However, the increase may not be your usual increase rate if you do not do the next item.
- Post a reply to any plurk (even your own) at least once per interval. This will assure you that the increment on your score is your regular increase rate.
- Recent updates by the A-Team have proven (at least to me) that you can actually miss one interval (no plurks and no responses) and not have a decrease in your score. Sadly though, the Karma score will also not increase. Your Karma update will just be +0.00. Thanks to the A-Team who realized that we also need to sleep and live a life outside the Internet.
- Your Plurk posts must at least have one response from your Plurker friends or fans (or those who are not your friends or fans yet).
- Do not reply with icons all the time. There are some people who just reply to all Plurk posts with icons. While this is fun (for them) and while this may not really affect their scores directly, these people may be in trouble. Why? Because if the person whom you post “icon replies” to gets annoyed at these replies, they may block you or remove you from their list, and that may cause a decrease in your score.
- Invite people to join Plurk. Everytime a person you invited signs up, a significant amount of score is added to at least one interval increase for you.
- Mobile Plurking. We are not in front of the computer 24 hours a day, seven days a week (or are we?), and there are times when we can’t post Plurks and responses right? Thanks to mobile technology, you can post at least one Plurk and one response per interval.
On your mobile phones, you can access Plurk via GPRS, 3G or WLAN at http://plurk.com/m and enjoy Plurking there.
For users in the Philippines, you can subscribe to PhPlurk.com and add them to your friends list for you to be able to send mobile updates even if you are away from the computer or even if you are using a Nokia 5110 (no 3G, no WLAN, no GPRS).
To post a Plurk, type in: PLURK (space) your plurk and send it to your mobile carrier gateway (read more on PhPlurk.com).
To post a reply (to your own Plurk only, and only to the last Plurk you posted), type in: RPLURK (space) your message and send to your mobile carrier gateway.
These are just some of the things that helped my score hike up without a hitch and these are based on my own Personal Plurkperience. If you have other tips you would like to share with everyone else, please feel free to do so. source : plurkk
Have fun Plurking !
Selanjutnya marilah kita terjemahkan ...
10 Komentar:
Plurks holic juga nech???
add plurks ku dong....
thx tipsnya...bs dicoba jg....met lebaran ya..
wah pada gila plurk ya...
waww,, pa untungnya ngeplurk ato twitter mas Abu?? bisa pencerahan dikit.. newbi..
@aprie : aku gak tergila gila ama plurk tuhhhh hehehe
kantongin dulu ah ilmunya...tengkyu for share ya Suhu...
langsung keTkp nih,,,,
baru tau apa itu plurk...
salam kenal aja yah :?
Dihari yang fitrah ini izinkanlah Recipe4free.blogspot.com mengucapkan, Selamat Hari Raya Iedul Fitri 1429 H. Mohon maaf lahir batin, mohon dimaafkan segala khilaf dan dosa baik yang terasa maupun tidak. Semoga Allah Swt., menerima amal ibadah kita, selama bulan Ramadhan, kita selalu di beri nikmat iman, kesehatan, umur panjang dan rizki yang berlimpah.… Amien!
yay...langsung di cobaaaa
thanks for sharing, tozie http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/3.gif
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