As far as I am aware, the first group of female Chinese hackers to break this mold were the Six Golden Flowers. The Golden Flowers have since broken up and gone their separate ways, but a new and larger group has taken their place, the Cn (China) Girl Security Team.

有句话叫做鱼和熊掌不可兼得 当你选择一种生活的时候,是否该告别另外一种生活?可人总是矛盾的,我把这些都归于太过年轻,于是摇摆不定 可是当我如果有一天真的知道了自己的选择,我会不会为当初的不坚决而难过 我没有想过要伤害谁欺骗谁,我只是对生活太迷茫 迷茫的连自己都搞不清楚自己 我一直都说走一步算一步,可若真走到无路可退的地步,我又何去何从
The website for the China Girl Security Team (CN Girl Security Team) was registered on 12 Mar 2007 and currently has 2,217 members. The leader of the group Xiao Tian, is only 20 years old, One of Xiao Tian’s chief lieutenants, who goes by the online name of Clever Without Equal (that’s close anyway), is dialed into just about every major Chinese hacker site on her blog, do you want to know her blog ? Beautiful and Cute Hacker Xiao Tian Blog Site, There are her photos, video and her sexy image look innocent and sweet, I would love a beautiful photo of hers.
This is an ongoing project to list the most famous/infamous of the Chinese hackers. Currently working on about 20 pages worth of material, so it won’t materialize overnight.
- Real Name: Gong Wei (龚蔚)
- Online Name: Goodwell, Goodwill, Goodwil
- Organization: Green Army Corps (www.isbase.net)(http://www.greenarmy.org/index.php)
- Age:
- Known Hacks:
- Summary: Founder of the Green Army Corps, one of China’s first hacker organizations. Currently writing his account of Chinese hacker history.
- Real Name: Wang Xianbing (王献冰)
- Online Name: Janker, Lonely Swordsman (孤独剑客)
- Organization: www.janker.org
- Age:
- Known Hacks:
- Summary: Graduated from Zhenzhou University with a double-major in mechanical design and business management. Leader in the Sino-Japanese and Sino-US cyber conflicts of 2000 and 2001 respectively. He has been a security consultant for the government, financial securities (institutes), banks and e-commerce in Shenzhen, Guanzhou, Shanghai and Beijing
- Real Name: Huang Xin (黄鑫)
- Online Name: Glacier (冰河)
- Organization: www.xfocus.org, http://blog.xfocus.net/index.php?blogId=15
- Age: 29 (In 2007)
- Known Hacks: Developed the Glacier Trojan, China’s most popular. Created X-scan
- Summary: Graduated from Xi’an Electronic Sci-Tech University. Married to Chinese female hacker Wollf. In 2006, he was 28 years old and a resident of Guangxi. Godfather of the Chinese Trojan.
- DarkVisitorLinks:
- Real Name: Wang Juan (王娟)
- Online Name: Wollf, Leaf (叶子)
- Organization: www.xfocus.org, http://blog.xfocus.net/index.php?blogId=14
- Age: 27 (in 2007)
- Known Hacks: Developed the Wollf Trojan
- Summary: Born in Sichuan and has worked in a Hainan Network Comapany. The mother of Chinese Trojans.
- DarkVisitorLinks:
- Real Name: Zhang Xinghu (张兴虎)
- Online Name: Flyingfox
- Organization: www.54hack.org
- Age: Unknown
- Known Hacks:
- Summary: Founder of China Youth Hackers Alliance. In 2004 was a technical security advisor for a police station.
- DarkVisitorLinks:
6 Komentar:
Xiao tian cakep ya.... hebat lagi. ampe google aja hengkang dari cina
Iyah nech Bro,...Skrg custom domain susah ke indeks di mesin,...apa ini gara2 di hack Xiao Tian Hackers juga yach....Terpaksa optimalkan blogspot dulu ini kayaknya....
Mosok blogspot di hack,....jrengggg...( nyambung ga?? ) 8-}
hello friend you are suck a great hacker. i would want to know you. I am devil Sword from Taiwan. my id is devilsfire777@yahoo.com. add me up or email me. Thanks Friend
I'll pay $100.00 to anyone that can shut these sites down for a couple of weeks. Send an reply to illiad_h@yahoo.com and once I've verified that the sites are down you'll get the reward.
The sites are:
Here's some info to get you going.
Physical Address:
1115 128TH ST SW
Phone: (425) 438-1957
Phone Number (425) 438-1957 Do Not Call YES
Date of Birth N/A Age 40
Gender MALE Marital Status SINGLE
Education SOME COLLEGE Estimated Income $15,000 - $24,999/YR
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