Promote Burner Monthly payments with NO MINIMUM ternyata terbukti baru saja saya mendaftar beberapa hari menjelang tutup tahun 2009 ternyata di awal tahun baru 2010 payment diberikan pada tanggal 1 Januari 2010.
Pembayaran Pertama Promote Burner ini sangat diluar dugaan dan tidak termasuk dalam prediksi penghasilan, Ramalan Tahun 2010 menurut perkiraan bisnis Paid Review akan bertambah sepi, digantikan dengan bisnis CPC dan CPM dan juga Amazon.
Promote Burner Payment, anda tertarik mencoba peruntungan di program penghasil dolar yang tidak mempunyai nilai minimum payout, dalam arti berapapun hasil yang kita dapatkan dalam sebulan di awal bulan gajian langsung dikirimkan ke rekening account paypal milik kita.
Cara Pendaftaran Gratis (ref)
Promote Burner Payment, anda tertarik mencoba peruntungan di program penghasil dolar yang tidak mempunyai nilai minimum payout, dalam arti berapapun hasil yang kita dapatkan dalam sebulan di awal bulan gajian langsung dikirimkan ke rekening account paypal milik kita.
Cara Pendaftaran Gratis (ref)
1.0 Registration
1.1 Each user of can have only one account, In case of having more accounts, user’s accounts will be deleted without a claim of provision.
1.2 Each user of that is registered is accepting the "Terms if service".
1.3 Each user of the system must enter the correct email address for registration, if the email will be wrong the user will be deleted.
1.4 It isn’t allowed to use a proxy services etc to registration. This accounts will be deleted.
1.5 User is accepting sending of news to his email box.
2.0 Placement of advertising.
2.1 It isn’t allowed to place the ads on adult sites ( if isn’t allowed), on the sites with illegal content, on the sites which is promoting Nazism, racism and others by the society don’t unacceptable sites.
2.1.2 It isn’t allowed to place our advertisiments on sites which have none content. (In case that you are displaying our ad by the iframe on the other site, please write by a small font under our banner, on which site is our banner displayed.
2.2 It isn’t allowed to change code of our banners.
2.3 It isn’t allowed to hide our banners to 1x1 iframe tags etc.
2.4 It isn’t allowed to place our ads to PTP systems, CPM systems are allowed, but the efficiency of ad must be comfortable.
2.5 It isn’t allowed to propagate our ads in autosurfs and manual surfs
2.6 It isn’t allowed to set up a automatic refresh of site, on which are placed our banners.
2.7 It isn’t allowed to place our ads to sites where is much of Pop-up windows , or they are diverted on other sites.
3.0 Efficiency of ads
3.1 Users is obligatory to check his efficiency of his promoting.
3.2 We reserve the right to disable user accounts if advertising effectiveness (eg, click through rate - CTR) is too small, and the user does not have the right to payment.
3.3 Optiman CTR rate is 0.1%, and conversion rate 0,5% (1 CPA/CPL/CPS Conversion per 200 clicks) .
4.0 Payments
4.1 PromoteBurner is paying after the NET30 (30 days of end of billing month) .
4.2 We reserve the right to hold up payments for up to 60 days.
5.0 Final provisions
5.1 In case that we have a suspicion on breaking the rules, we have the right to delete your account.
5.2 The user confirms his registration to comply with these rules. In case of violation of these rules and conditions, we reserve the right to disable the account without the payment of commissions.
5.3 We can request verify of address (with fee $2.50 from PromoteBurner account) and telephone number (with fee $0.30 from PromoteBurner account), if we have suspicion for duplicate account.
5.3 We can request confirm payment (with fee $2.50 from PromoteBurner account), if we have suspicion for duplicate account.
14 Komentar:
mantabs lur, udah reg juga tp blom ditebar, btw itu untuk satu ads code bispak rame2 gak, soalnya kata orang threesome lebih sensasional :))
langsung dicoba bang, ini panca :))
benar skali kang... aku jga dah daftar melalui repp akang kmren... ternyata jg langsung dibayar di awl bulan.. walau bru secuil.. :D
Selamat yah, duit mengalir terus. Tapi, saya koq malah baru dengar mengenai Promoto burner ya
program baru nihh mas..??
Asli nih bro.. udah mebayar, peryama saya daftar dapat login tapi setelah berjalan dua minggu nggak bisa login lagi, udah email dua kali nggak ada balasan... bisa tolong?
saya sudah mengikuti promote burner 1 bulan lebih tapi kenapa belum dapat bayaran ya?
Aku masih penasaran, udah register sih, tapi kok webnya g ada faq-nya.
Wah .. kok saya belum dapat bayaran dari promoteburner ya ..?
ada program lain nggak tapi yang betul betul membayar membernya dari Indonesia ?
jadi penasaran ni, baru tiga hari pasang , mudah-mudahan berhasil..........sukses sob
wah... aku juga sudah ikutan mas, tapi bulan kedua kok belum dapat bayaran ya?
Dah lama ga ikutan, lagian traffik blog saya masih kecil :(
thanks buat info promote burner nya bro...
i want try...
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