The Best Ways to Say Happy New Year 2010, If you are still thinking about buying some wonderful Happy New Year 2010 cards, that means you need to calculate once again. How much will you spend for it? For each year, New Year expenses are extremely high but most people don’t even think about it. So, what’s the point of all your hard works during the entire year ?
Best Ways to Spend New Years 2010, Think about all your previous New Year cards, do you still remember about them? Are you sure that your friends still remember about it ?
For some reasons, people consider to buy e-cards as a form to reduce their expenses but guess what ? There are a lot of cyber juvenile delinquencies that already happened related to e-cards purchases. Thinking about the best ways to say Happy New Year 2010 more efficiently?
For some reasons, people consider to buy e-cards as a form to reduce their expenses but guess what ? There are a lot of cyber juvenile delinquencies that already happened related to e-cards purchases. Thinking about the best ways to say Happy New Year 2010 more efficiently?
- You could send it plainly through an online social network such as Facebook. People want to be loved and they also want the others to know about it ! Using Facebook, you could effortlessly say to as many people you want to tell them that you love them! It’s very efficient but it’s not long lasting for certain people. Why ? Believe me, if your friends are active users, their wall will keep changing all the time so you’ll be lucky if they see what you said !
- Write something about your best friends and tag them with it. It might be a simple poem or a short story related to your relationship during the year. By using this method, they’ll more likely to remember about what you did for forever as an appreciation, but what if you have so many best friends? It’s not really matter if you LOVE to write, but isn’t writing too much just to say Happy New Year 2010 seems a little bit “extraordinary” ?
- Now, if you’re a dedicated blogger, there’s something BIG you could do to celebrate this New Year! What about some more backlinks for your friends or fans? Really, they will thank you a lot for it! They won’t just remember about your New Year present but it will make them to think about doing the same for you too ! Happy New Year 2010 !
2 Komentar:
Met tahun baru bang hehe.. itu ko kaosnya mirip sama punya saya ya xixixi..
wilujeng taun anyar 2010 masehi lur, wish you all d best ~o)
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