Today many people are enamored with the game online. One of the online games which popular is Point Blank Game Online, with this type of game, people can fantasize about the war world. Usually, men or boys are the persons who like Point Blank game online.
If we see from the meaning of the word, "Point Blank" is associated with the shootout. There's even a term "point blank range". The term point blank range is of French origin. The center of a target was once a small white spot and the French for white is blanc, and aim is point. The term therefore means "aim at the center of the target."
CT Force (or Counter Terrorist Force) and the Free Rebels are two parties who became a character in Point Blank Online Games. CT-Force is a special organization to deal with the terrorists. While the Free Rebels is an organization whose goal is to master the entire drug trafficking and weapons throughout the world and create fear for the community.
Point Blank recognize the card-based mission system, anyone who plays this game will carry out the mission tutorial card. In addition to the basic card (or cards tutorial),you can also access other mission card with purchase.
If you want to know more about Point Blank, you can look it up on their particular website. You can find things more detail as such the main features, installation, game modes, mission, weapons, characters, maps, dub and etc. These things are important for those of you who want to play point blank game online.
8 Komentar:
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iya gmana?
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ada info kalau warnet saya d banned oleh GM
apa bener?
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Iya Bner Tu warnet Lo d banned oleh GM,.,.,!!!
warnet gw jga gtu,.,.,!!!
gra2 warnet w maen chiteeer truss.,.,!!!
saya ingin mendapat game ini poin blank
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