Dou you ever try Infolinks in your blog or website honey ? I wanted to test it out before I recommended it to my fellow bloggers and my lovely blogger
('ndak pake s kalo yang ini'). If you realize, there is no affiliate program and so there is no added benefit to me from recommending this to you except for the fact that I want to help you get better payouts.
So anyway, I added Infolinks and just let it do its thing. I don't have tips infolink but I Think Infolinks is the next generation of In-Text advertising and with our proprietary algorithm and high quality of service, we are so confident that you will increase your advertising revenues, that we actually guarantee the industry’s highest revenue share in your contract.

After 2 days running Infolinks ... I realized that the payouts per click were higher than other advertiser and I thought to myself, well thats not bad .
Well, today when i logged into Infolinks, I came to realize that I have earned the same amount with InfoLinks in two days than I did with other advertiser here in the entire month. My earning in two days $ 27,98 (rata-rata 14 dolar sadinten
). Big enought for newbie blogger like me.
Another thing I noticed when I switched from other advertiser to InfoLinks was that the javascript that InfoLinks uses loads faster so it reduces page load time which was the subject of my previous post. I had improved my page load time by 25% when I had made the switch.
In Conclusion
So, What Am I Suggesting? Well, if youre unhappy with other advertising then I suggest you try out InfoLinks. They seem to have worked very well for me and you might be surprised by the results yourself.
It has offered my higher payouts and better performance in terms of page load time so give it a shot and sign up and let me know what you think/decide. Thanks guys!
So anyway, I added Infolinks and just let it do its thing. I don't have tips infolink but I Think Infolinks is the next generation of In-Text advertising and with our proprietary algorithm and high quality of service, we are so confident that you will increase your advertising revenues, that we actually guarantee the industry’s highest revenue share in your contract.
After 2 days running Infolinks ... I realized that the payouts per click were higher than other advertiser and I thought to myself, well thats not bad .
Well, today when i logged into Infolinks, I came to realize that I have earned the same amount with InfoLinks in two days than I did with other advertiser here in the entire month. My earning in two days $ 27,98 (rata-rata 14 dolar sadinten
In Conclusion
So, What Am I Suggesting? Well, if youre unhappy with other advertising then I suggest you try out InfoLinks. They seem to have worked very well for me and you might be surprised by the results yourself.
It has offered my higher payouts and better performance in terms of page load time so give it a shot and sign up and let me know what you think/decide. Thanks guys!
7 Komentar:
Aku dulu pernah pasang, tapi dah kucopot, tp sekarang mo pasang lagi ah.....
hmmm, it looks yummy... but hey, until now dollars always yummy right? :)
I have applied this program since yesterday but no approval yet.
saya bisa ikutan gak ya bos ? :D
ane impresinya lebih dari 5000/hari tape earning
gak sampe $1 sehari iki kepiye mas....,lha si mister bloggepesta cm 3000/hari aja bisa $10 lebih
bang ga boleh bhs indonesia, tempatku ditolak,
wah asyknya bila mempunyai blog spt memperoleh pendapatan yg mengasyikan..Saya yakin nih sobat admin ini tak jenuh2nya berkarya dlm blognya..Sukses selalu ya sobat blogger pesta.
kalau boleh cantumkan jua link blog saya disini. biar bs mendapatkan backlink ..salam dayos
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