Do you have a web site and very few people know that you and your business exist? Well, it happened to mine.
I was lost when it comes to “Search Engine Optimization”. I absolutely had no idea until my friend recommended SEO Elite.
With a lot of similar web sites targeting the same niche as mine, it has become very hard to come on first on Google.
When I first had my blog up and I did a search in various search engines like Google and Yahoo!, my blog is no-where in sight. So how has SEO Elite brought my web site to #1 position within weeks? Let me share with you what I know so that you can immediately execute these steps.
1. SEO Elite comes an excellent software that automatically search for backlinks of websites. So what I did was I search for backlinks for the number one site when I Googled the keywords.
2. Yes, you can use free wares in the internet but when I compare the search results, SEO Elite gave me more results, in terms of quality and quantity.
3. Next, I asked for reciprocal links of the sites or submitted articles to directories.
4. Ask for quality links from sites with at least Page Rank of 4.
5. And again, ensure your blog has quality content such that the sites find it added value to link you.
6. The best thing I realize is I knew exactly what my competitors are doing and how did they earn money using their sites. I’m telling you you will be very surprised by what your competitors are doing too.
So What SEO Elite had taught me:
1) Concept of online and off line page optimization.
a) Online optimization is about using various Meta tags, Meta keywords, Paragraph, Heading, Bolds, Italics, and Anchor tags. It also tells me to use proper keyword density in a web site (about 6 - 8%).
b) Off line optimization is about getting quality links to my site.
2) SEO Elite taught me what I need to know about my competitor web site, so I could implement the same strategies that they used. And the trick here is I implemented even better than them so I could overtake their #1 ranking position within weeks.
3) SEO Elite helped me to track backlinks as well as Page Rank of your competitors’ site so that I could copy their strategies.
4) SEO Elite comes with a software that automates all these, leaving me with much more time to write articles such as this to benefit you.
You may be telling me that you can do the tasks manually. Yes, it works if you are asking for links exchange from ten sites. But what if there are hundreds of them or even thousands. What are you going to do? Still manually?
So the good thing about SEO Elite is that it allows auto-submission of link exchange request, submission of articles to article directories and even checking if other sites are still linking you. SEO Elite can be the SEO resource for you.
1 Komentar:
Well, it seems like SEO is really great!
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