I preferred to stay in a cheap hotel in Bandung. It was amazing to be invited in the talk show because I was experienced to met my online fellow Noval "pencuri kode" since I met him for the first time.
Actually we have been very familiar online for the last 3 years. Looking at his style, I figured him to be appropriately called a thief.
If I didn't hear a phone call, I should have came late to the show, since the hotel where I stayed was quite far from UPI Bandung. I was thinking to positioned myself a practitioner rather than to be a motivator or SEO master. For me, 2 hours was not enough for the show. I believe there were tons of questions to be asked.
The participants were very much attractive and quite enthusiast since they asked lots of unpredictable questions. But I love to have been involved in the show, though.
The participants were not only students of UPI Bandung, since the show was opened free for public. I met blogger matre and students of Bandung Institute of Technology. It was a great event they have ever made and I thanked them for inviting me. Thanks to DINAMIK5 (Dies Natalis Mahasiswa Ilmu Komputer ke-5 ), you guys are rock!
14 Komentar:
Pk mana neh ga keliatan heeeee, kapan aku bisa kaya gini ya bang jadi pengen heee
wek foto ku yang lagi action mana ya =)) masa yang cuma saat jadi OP aja yang ada..wakakakakakaka...eh bang tuh link saya kelebihan HTTP...... *dasar PK narsis*
That's was interesting. So you've got lots of thing to learn about blogs or SEO there
wah..langsung di post di blog nya nih..
salam kenal kang Yoga "kopitozie"
saya salah satu panitia Dinamik5 yang tadi menyaksikan talkshow nya..
terimakasih juga,telah mau ikut berpartisipasi di acara Dinamik5...
yups keren...jadi penasaran buat nyoba...
Wah sekarang udah merambah ngisi2 seminar gitu ya bang? hebat euy :)
Wah...ternyata para MAster Copet sednag ada proyek off line ternyata...
HHmmmm,...... :X
Hey buddy,
Your post is very informative. We wish to get our website SEO optimized. Can you share any tips on that?
jiahahaha cool show I thing, but so sorry I have not enough money to roll my bike right through the show bro :( but hope next couple a days I'll landing to amerta directly xixi
wuiiss... seru dang.... ntar Kang Tozie dan Kang Noval kita undang ke Pekanbaru deh.... kita Setahun Blogger Bertuah nih... tunggu infonya yah.. :D
Hatur nuhun cinderamatna kang, salam kenal kang Yoga, sim abdi anu ti Garut tea.. Insyaallah ke bade amengan ka rorompok... hoyong guguru, belajar kupas tuntas tentang blog...
Kumaha kang wios?...
wah bener nich...langsung update posting hebat mas..
btw salam kenal, saya Luthfi Fuadi (orang yang suka nanya yang pake sweater AC Milan Itu Kang,.hehe) kapan ke bandung lagi..eh katanya kata akang ada pelatihan blog itu kang, gimana saya mau daftar mas..ini nomor kontak saya 02292700493
Luthfi Fuadi Majid
woww.. dah mulai ngisi talk show,, keyen :) :)..!!! moga makin sukses aje boss.. salam dari blogger palembang.!!
kang.. kaduhung teu dongkap euy.. dasar sial pas diperjalanan hujan ngagebret.. ngiuhan we di warnet sambil nunggu raat.. eh.. hujanna pikaseubeuleun teu ereun2. maklum nganggo sikukut roda dua jadi keudah ngiuhan.
tong kapok kang ngawartosan abdi pami aya deui acara kieu.. salam baktos ti blogger Bdg Timur SIAPIH.
nice info...
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